1650. Lord prepare me
1651. All thirsty come
1652. Lord, You know my heart
1653. When you are tired
1654. Let us build the great wall of life
1655. Mom and Dad, listen to me!
1656. Suzhou more beautiful
1657. Good times
1658. My heart there is hope
1659. China's future
1660. Always
1661. One heart
1662. Dear Lord, I wake up early in the morning
1663. Blessing when you are old
1664. Let us praise the Lord together
1665. Unknown missionary song
1666. The Lord will give the flame of rejuvenation
1667. We all, like sheep, have gone astray
1668. Lord help me
1669. Holy Land Tour - why the sun so bright here?
1670. Make every effort to keep the unity of the...
1671. Little papyrus basket
1672. You Know
1673. The Lord's power and majesty
1674. Lord please guide me every day
1675. Where are thy first love?
1676. Lord, I love You
1677. Prayer
1678. North wind blowing, grass yellow
1679. In those years left home
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