721. You miss me just a dust
722. China ah, how many people cry for you?
723. One day we are going
724. God is a jealous God
725. God's children must have a confident eye
726. Purify me Lord
727. Jesus is wonderful
728. Chinese church
729. Lord promised
730. On the scorched soil over there
731. Lord Jehovah, we worship You
732. I heard the distant voice
733. There is God who loves you
734. Get close to God every day
735. Good shepherd
736. Heavenly Father's love
737. Sincerely
738. We are pleased to come
739. Belongs to You
740. With our love filled
741. Go to untreated Land
742. Lord, I thank You
743. God gives me wisdom
744. I have God
745. God willing you rise
746. The grace of Jehovah
747. The wind of the Holy Spirit will blow through
748. Lord we worship You
749. When disasters increase
750. The voice of Macedonia
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