660. Complete the Great Commission together
661. Lord is my heart
662. We pray
663. I need your help every day
664. China has great hope
665. Man born for Lord's grace
666. The smallest sparrow
667. No matter what the environment is
668. I want to call on the Lord Jesus
669. Asking you
670. How glorious
671. Lord, the fate of your children is in your hands
672. When the sunrise
673. Recall the past
674. The last scene
675. I have not lost heart
676. The body embodies the national soul
677. Prayer is not an ordinary thing
678. Jesus our only hope
679. Lord comes to the world
680. He is responsible for the church established...
681. Lord when I kneel down to you
682. Wait until the Lord comes
683. When the brethren are weak
684. Forget behind
685. Who is God except the Lord?
686. We will not go back
687. Heavenly Father, I am kneeling down to you
688. Lord I heard that you are coming back soon
689. For me and my father's house
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