601. Take your life to the Lord in charge
602. As the years and the crowd
603. Lord is a warrior
604. When my life was young
605. The Lord is God
606. There must be darkness before dawn
607. O Lord, Who am I
608. The tribe of Judah
609. Days outside
610. There is a fence on my side
611. Waves in the sea
612. Dear fellow workers
613. Be holy to the Lord
614. God is with me
615. The last days are not good
616. I do not know which day is the last of life
617. Lord decides our way
618. The Lord sees us as precious
619. Noah flies a pigeon
620. Abba is waiting for me at home
621. To be godly
622. The doomsday trial is approaching
623. Life is emptiness
624. The Lord gave us a key
625. Tears blur eyes once and again
626. Lord will return to account
627. Where are shepherds?
628. Father Abba, we are back
629. Let's pray
630. We are going to take a missionary road
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