1. I do admit that I am a sinner, and it was by the grace of God that I am what I am.  For the extramarital sexual iniquity that I once committed in 1990 before I became a born again Christian, I once again confess my sins to God and seek His forgiveness, and offer my apologies to the party that was involved in that relationship.  I am also deeply sorrowed by all the harms and troubles that have caused among the brothers and sisters at God’s church. I beg for their forgiveness.

2. I do admit that even after my salvation I have had my weak moments. I could only stand firm through God’s undergirding.

3. To God and to the public, although I could quietly endure the false accusations, I, however, could not and would not admit those sins which I have not committed. I deny all of the defamatory accusations involving “rape”, “attempted seduction” and “sexual assault”.

4. I shall openly and willingly cooperate with the CFSCF’s board of directors in its investigations concerning the accusations.

5. I have ​temporarily resigned from all pastoral duties and ministries, so as to retreat in the Lord and seek renewal.


Dated: March 2, 2015